


Starting with a dynamic

英语作文 时间:2024-03-03 10:44:38 WORD下载 PDF下载 投诉 投稿

   感动是一种财富。带着感动出发,便随身携带了宝贵的财富。 ——题记

   Moving is a kind of wealth. With the start of moving, they carry a valuable treasure. The preface


   Moved, is a word of concern when the fatigue; touched, is a cup of tea when learning to send a cup of tea; moved, is still under the ruins of the child to learn the firm eyes; moved, is to make


   Our tears of love. Starting with a moving, so they have moved, with the right to happiness.


   What is moving? Is it worth taking? Moving is the foundation of happiness, will not move people, will not feel happy. Starting with touched, for flowers, grass, trees, the leaf

   感动,便知道了生命的美与价值。 带着感动出发,我们会在出发的感动中寻找到人类的大爱。无论

   Touched, they know the beauty and value of life. With the start of moving, we will be moved in the search for the great love of mankind. whether


   The earthquake in Wenchuan that is desperate to protect students that have blocked the hand of death, or in Hunan that a disaster to the people's interests at the expense of the passion of life, are

   是人类间大爱的体现,我们值得为他们感动,我们从心中为他们喝彩! 带着感动出发,我们会在出发中的感动中找到属于自己属于国家

   Is the embodiment of human love, we deserve to be touched by them, we cheer for them from the heart! With the start of the moving, we will be moved in the start to find their own belongs to the country


   Pride and passion. Leading to the bird's nest by the magnificent fireworks composed of footprints, and the final more than and 100 medals, fifty-one gold medals, constitute the pride of our China and the right


   Hope for the future! We pulled off the "sick man of East Asia," the shame, we cleared the inequality between men and women and a semi feudal society injustice. China stood up, and the Oriental giant finally stood up! body


   For the Chinese, how can we not be moved by this pride?!



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Starting with a dynamic

