


Does life need to care about details

英语作文 时间:2024-03-03 09:02:46 WORD下载 PDF下载 投诉 投稿

   Walking into an antique shop, I picked up a piece of crystal clear jade. Put this precious jade in your hand and look at it quietly. Wow, what a wonderful carving! Red is reflected in transparency, and fluency is found in smooth touch. All aspects are almost perfect and unforgettable. But when I carefully rub its corner, sharp eyes suddenly locked in a tiny crack. I‘m a little disappointed that there is no real perfection in the world, even if it’s a little bit of detail that human ability can‘t cover. I began to fall into deep thinking, life in the end need to care about the details? Do you care? What if you don’t care?

   We may really need to care about the details of things. Everything in the universe is made up of atoms, electrons and quarks. If we don‘t pay attention to these details, we can’t touch the deeper nature of things. This is not only reflected in the word “science” written by strict theory and precise calculation. The grand Great Wall is inseparable from the accumulation of countless bricks and the towering ancient wood, without the extension and diffusion of details. It is with these dense and airtight details that constitute the majestic sense of history and the magnificent and broad beauty of life. All things in the universe, without the accumulation of details, will be a void.

   A big thing is often just a superficial surface, but the real essence is hidden in the details. For example, a person‘s seemingly unfathomable character can be clearly shown in a runaway speech and behavior, because the camouflage is afraid of being broken by seemingly trivial things. Not only is the inner world extremely complex human beings, but also the inanimate matter. Although the energy levels of the electron sublayer are very small, which can not be observed under the nanometer level microscope, these orbits are extremely accurate, clearly depicting the laws of the electronic motion of chemical elements, and set up an immortal scientific milestone.

   More importantly, meticulous care, to see the truth. Because on the surface of the high sounding perfunctory in any case can not show that a place in the considerate and care. If you really love a person, you will feel every trace of her heart. This person can be your parents, brothers and sisters, wife and children. As long as you love them from the heart, when tired, even a gentle greeting; when lost, even a gentle touch. It is these small actions that can melt the ice and heal the wounds. In the details, we can see the energy of great love.

   It seems that the details are very important, but if you want to think about it from a different angle. It is because any grand thing can not do without the accumulation of down-to-earth, so a person should also have a long-term vision, a panoramic view of the overall situation. Because for a towering ancient tree, the real strong vitality lies in its vigorous and strong trunk; without them, no matter how many details there are, it is just a small bush. Similarly, for people, a broad-minded person will not dwell on the details of others all day long.Because the broad-minded people look at the big, live is open-minded. Go back to that jade, there is no jade in the world without flaws. Human appreciation of the unrealistic vision to the extreme synonymous “perfect”, to the end is a trace of small defects and a burst of irresistible disappointment. Instead of being stuck in front of the impossible, it is better to examine the beauty of the great with an ordinary mind. Details should be added to the icing on the cake and should not hinder grand elegance.

   Taking her eyes away from Baoyu, I felt a light of enlightenment through my heart and into my heart. Why should life be entangled in these details? If the requirements are too high, only disappointment will be brought. Today, human beings can’t even break through the speed of light, not to mention the vast and distant space. Of course, details cannot be ignored. Because what people really strive for in life is happiness; there are details in happiness. Some details are not allowed to be ignored, because from these things, you can see the essence and nature; in depth, you can experience the heart of life and the diversity of the world. Profundity, and happiness, is another dimension that needs to be reconciled with control.



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Does life need to care about details

