


Hard work makes life wonderful

英语作文 时间:2024-03-03 09:01:40 WORD下载 PDF下载 投诉 投稿

   Every time the real success depends on strength, and every point of strength promotion, the test is to adhere to.

   If someone asks me, “what is the secret of success? I would say, ”it’s persistence. It‘s not easy for people to persist, especially in adversity. “We look up to the long sky of history and ignore the shining stars. Some people are like a meteor, and the stars fall in the boundless darkness in the twinkling of an eye, while some people, like a broken temperament, still insist on bursting out their own light, and finally become the brightest star in the sky.

   Can you still remember that persistent young man who cleans brush brush and inkstone beside the living spring? He practices calligraphy with forgetting to eat and sleep, and the spring is also dyed black. Because of his persistence, he finally wrote the top work of Chinese calligraphy ”preface to Lanting“, and he is Wang Xizhi. Can you still remember that in every quiet night, there is always a yellow bean like candle, and the persistent youth beside him is devoid of attention He is chanting ”the first worry of the world and then the joy of the world.“ Fan Zhongyan, an honest and upright official, can still remember the persistent old man who traveled all over the country, regardless of the heat and cold.

   It was because of his persistence that he created the travel notes of Xu Xiake, an ancient geography knowledge book in China. That man was Xu Xiake. They succeed because of persistence, because success is immortal. Some people say: ”those who persist in it will not necessarily succeed. Those who give up will never succeed. “ The so-called persistence is tenacious will and persistent hard practice. Success is hard won. It is not easy to have failures and setbacks before success. We can not predict and avoid them. All we can do is to bite and stick to it, tough and durable. Every drop of tears and sweat, strength will increase a point, from the success will be a step further.Reform and opening up has brought us wealth and happiness, which is the road of prosperity and strength opened up by my grandfather with all his efforts.

   During his long-term labor decentralization, his grandfather did not lament his unfair fate, but devoted his energy to how to lead people to prosperity and how to make new China rich and strong. Every day after his laborious farm work, he still insists on reading, taking notes, deepening thoughts, summing up experience, and opening up a new road. Mr. Xu Gang, an old writer, insisted on visiting the western region at his own expense for several decades. He wrote many works on environmental protection, but he didn’t want any money from the state.

   Many people were moved and devoted themselves to the cause of environmental protection. Those strong and struggling athletes, the training room is full of their persistent sweat, there are their excited tears on the podium. Each vivid character, with their real experience tells us: the secret of success is persistence. Success is a monument to success and success. Persistence has been the will and soul of the Chinese people since ancient times. It has been deeply integrated into the bone marrow. No matter how hard the road to success is, as long as we have a strong will and persistent efforts to practice, there will always be unexpected gains. ”

   The mountain is poor, the water is complex, there is no way out, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.“When we are in a desperate situation, if we insist on it, we will ”keep the clouds open and see the moon shining“.The secret of success is persistence.

   With perseverance and persistent efforts, we will have a bright sky, a bright future, and a different landscape for history



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Hard work makes life wonderful

