


Rationality of life

英语作文 时间:2024-03-03 09:02:27 WORD下载 PDF下载 投诉 投稿

   How gloomy life is, sometimes a little bit of light will disappear in an instant; how confused life is, I don‘t know where to go as a person. People, it seems too easy to get lost in this world; people, it seems, are too easy to be taken away by thorns. Be sober, be rational, and polish your eyes to see the world.

   I always feel that this life, as if it is very long, seems to be very short, left half of life passed, right life to the head, and finally this life seems to pass, nothing, nothing. We are always confused by the world and touched by life. So, one moment we are taken away by the world, the next moment we feel confused. Always can’t see life clearly, there is always a layer of fog in front of us, also hope to have a pair of intelligent eyes, so that we can carry dreams across life to embrace the eternity of the world.

   Life should have dreams, charm and absolute rationality. A life without reason is like a life without a soul. It is an abyss to go forward and a wrong way to think back. Look at the stars? Stars will give us answers. Reason can not be obtained so easily, but it is always inseparable from the inside information of knowledge. We go out of our extreme thinking and approach rationality. Therefore, we find that rationality seems to help us to have an expectation of life and an opportunity of our own.

   Grasp the rational sail of life, sail sail can also be less wind and rain, more light points.



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Rationality of life

